Your air conditioning unit is very likely one of the most valuable, yet temperamental, pieces of equipment in your entire home or office. If it’s not working properly, it can leave the entire atmosphere virtually unbearable, plus leave you on the hook for the added fiscal costs of its inefficiency as well. However, the more a repair tends to cost, the more you may lean towards replacing the entire system just to spare yourself the hassle. That’s why, we’ve put together a list of things for you to consider before you make a final decision about what’s best for you.
How Well Does Your Unit Typically Function?
If you have a relatively newer air conditioning unit that on an average day functions perfectly with no issues whatsoever, replacing your entire system over a little leak is likely not what you need. Chances are the whole thing is a fluke that can be easily fixed and won’t require any further maintenance or repairs so long as it’s repaired properly the first time around. On the other hand, if you’ve had a feeling for some time that your air conditioning system was most likely on the verge of breaking down and a leak is the least of your worries, it might be time to ask a technician if a replacement will be much more cost-effective to you in the long run.
How Often Do You Need to Call in For Repairs?
If you have a newer system that has never had any problems, and you’re experiencing your first hiccup with it, you will not likely need to have the entire air conditioner replaced right away. Of course, if you’re spending $100 here and there on constant little leaks and repairs, it’s very likely that you will experience a major breakdown event sometime in the near future, and you may want to at least consider how much a new air conditioner could save you long-term.
When To Repair or Replace
For most HVAC professionals, $5,000 is the magic number that can help you determine if your A/C merely needs repairs, of if you should kiss it goodbye and welcome a newer, more efficient model into your life. Here’s how it works: All you have to do, is multiply the total cost of your estimated repairs by the number of years old your system is – and that’s it. If the number you arrive at is less than $5,000, you’re probably safe to simply have the repairs taken care of and leave it at that. However, if the number exceeds $5,000, you should really take some time to think about replacement.
Just remember, if you’re really not sure what you should do, you can always reach out to our HVAC experts at AFM Heating & Cooling. We’ll be able to tell you exactly what the problem with your air conditioning unit is, and whether or not based on its age and damage repairing or replacing it will be the most fiscally responsible decision for you to make. Call AFM Heating & Cooling at 734.464.6700 for a free consultation, or simply fill out the form in the sidebar, today.